Date:	Friday April 27, 2001 @ 21:42
Author:	cameron

Update of /home/netrek/cvsroot/Vanilla
In directory

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Sat Apr 28 11:39:39 2001  Benjamin `Quisar' Lerman  <quisar at>

	*, docs/, docs/,
	INSTALL.INL: change configure --with-inl to also set .sysdef and
	update installation instructions.

	* ntserv/commands.c, robotd/util.c, robots/inlcmds.c: remove
	compiler warnings.

	* tools/nuke.c, tools/ restore nuke for systems that
	do not have ipcrm(8).
	* tools/ltd_convert.c, tools/sortdb.c: return must give value.


Index: Vanilla/ChangeLog
diff -u Vanilla/ChangeLog:1.115 Vanilla/ChangeLog:1.116
--- Vanilla/ChangeLog:1.115	Fri Apr 27 20:37:24 2001
+++ Vanilla/ChangeLog	Fri Apr 27 21:42:34 2001
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+Sat Apr 28 11:39:39 2001  Benjamin `Quisar' Lerman  <quisar at>
+	*, docs/, docs/,
+	INSTALL.INL: change configure --with-inl to also set .sysdef and
+	update installation instructions.
+	* ntserv/commands.c, robotd/util.c, robots/inlcmds.c: remove
+	compiler warnings.
+	* tools/nuke.c, tools/ restore nuke for systems that
+	do not have ipcrm(8).
+	* tools/ltd_convert.c, tools/sortdb.c: return must give value.
 Fri Apr 27 22:09:19 2001  James Cameron  <quozl at>
 	* tools/ltd_convert.c, tools/sortdb.c: main should be int.
@@ -1213,4 +1227,4 @@
  	update_sys_defaults in updateMessages to a more appropriate
  	location - updateClient in socket.c.
-	$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.115 2001/04/28 01:37:24 cameron Exp $
+	$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.116 2001/04/28 02:42:34 cameron Exp $
Index: Vanilla/INSTALL.INL
diff -u Vanilla/INSTALL.INL:1.4 Vanilla/INSTALL.INL:1.5
--- Vanilla/INSTALL.INL:1.4	Thu Apr 26 19:45:18 2001
+++ Vanilla/INSTALL.INL	Fri Apr 27 21:42:34 2001
@@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
-#	$Id: INSTALL.INL,v 1.4 2001/04/27 00:45:18 cameron Exp $	
+#	$Id: INSTALL.INL,v 1.5 2001/04/28 02:42:34 cameron Exp $	
 Instructions for installing the Vanilla Netrek Server as an INL Server
 	0)  choose a place to put the server (e.g. /usr/local/games/netrek)
-	1)  change PKEY in ntserv/defs.h if you have a pickup server too
-	2)  enable LTD_STATS and LTD_PER_RACE in
-	3)  type "./configure --prefix=dir --with-inl" where dir is from step 0
-	4)  type "make install"
-	5)  "cd /usr/local/games/netrek" (or whatever dir was)
-	6)  "vi .sysdef" and set INL=1
-	7)  ensure no conflict in .ports with your pickup server if any
-	8)  "./netrekd" to start the server
-	9)  use a client to connect to the server on port 4566/4577
+	1)  type "./configure --prefix=dir --with-inl" where dir is from step 0
+	2)  type "make install"
+	3)  ensure no conflict in .ports with your pickup server if any
+	4)  "./netrekd" to start the server
+	5)  use a client to connect to the server on port 4566/4577
@@ -23,37 +19,23 @@
 0) Don't use the same directory as an existing pickup server.
-1) Changing PKEY in ntserv/defs.h is mandatory if you have a pickup
-server, otherwise the two servers will occupy the same universe, with
-unexpected results.  The default is 128.  Typically incrementing it
-will work fine.
+1) No comment.
-2) Enabling LTD_STATS and LTD_PER_RACE in before doing the
-configure script ensures that the end of game statistics report works.
+2) No comment.
-3) No comment.
-4) No comment.
-5) No comment.
-6) Setting INL=1 in .sysdef enables the INL robot mode of the server,
-starting the INL robot as soon as the first player joins.  Without it,
-the 4566/4577 ports will not be opened.
-7) If you have a pickup server, you must be sure to remove all the INL
+3) If you have a pickup server, you must be sure to remove all the INL
 ports from the .ports file in the pickup server's directory, and
 restart newstartd if you made a material change.  You must also remove
 the pickup and player list ports from the .ports file of the INL
 server.  If you don't do this, the symptom is a failure of the netrekd
 process to get going.
-8) Yes, you end up with two netrekd processes on your system if you
+4) Yes, you end up with two netrekd processes on your system if you
 have a pickup server.  As of 2.9pl0, netrekd wrote its process id into
 the server directory as, so determining which is which
 should not be a problem.
-9) On slow systems, a second client connection may be required.  This
+5) On slow systems, a second client connection may be required.  This
 may be a race condition between the startup of the client and the
 server startup and subsequent opening of the queues by the INL robot.
 The symptom is a "Sorry, but you cannot play Xtrek right now" or
Index: Vanilla/
diff -u Vanilla/ Vanilla/
--- Vanilla/	Thu Apr 26 19:45:18 2001
+++ Vanilla/	Fri Apr 27 21:42:34 2001
@@ -31,11 +31,12 @@
-  AC_ARG_WITH(inl, [  --with-inl              INL Mode ], INL=yes)
-  if test "x$INL" = xyes ; then
+  AC_ARG_WITH(inl, [  --with-inl              INL Mode ], INL=1, INL=0)
+  if test "x$INL" = x1 ; then
   AC_ARG_WITH(gum, [  --with-gum              Compile and install gum ],
@@ -501,4 +502,4 @@
 	sequencer/Makefile newstartd/Makefile robots/Makefile
 	keycomp/Makefile xsg/Makefile pledit/Makefile robotd/Makefile
 	docs/Makefile tools/no_geno_timer tools/geno_timer
-	docs/sample_geno_timer_crontab)
+	docs/sample_geno_timer_crontab docs/sample_sysdef)