G'day Federico,

Thanks for the patch.  Indeed, this is a typical typo.

The correct source file to change is gum.xml, which is used by glade
to generate main.c and so forth.  However, if you do not have glade
installed, the patch to main.c is sufficient.

The patch to gum.xml follows, and has been applied to the CVS source
code repository.

diff -c -r1.9 gum.xml
*** gum.xml	2000/08/15 22:42:45	1.9
--- gum.xml	2001/04/18 04:34:03
*** 5649,5655 ****
! 	    <name>WRAP_GALAXY_01</name>
--- 5649,5655 ----
! 	    <name>WRAP_GALAXY_1</name>

James Cameron    mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org     http://quozl.netrek.org/