
 I join a patch which change a little bit configure.in so to check for
ncurses before curses. (Linux for exemple does not have curses, and when
a system has the 2 library ncurses is supposed to be newer).

 I also changed pledit so that it use the library found by configure
instead of curses...

 Benjamin `Quisar' Lerman
 quisar at quisar.ambre.net                            http://www.ambre.net/quisar
 "Si les yeux pouvaient tuer et enfanter, les rues seraient pleines de cadavres
et de femmes grosses." Valery
-------------- next part --------------
diff -u -r -N ./configure.in ../Vanilla/configure.in
--- ./configure.in	Sat Mar 20 05:09:36 1999
+++ ../Vanilla/configure.in	Sat Apr 21 23:41:16 2001
@@ -370,7 +370,9 @@
 AC_CHECK_LIB(termcap, main, [LIBTERMCAP="-ltermcap"]) 
-AC_CHECK_LIB(curses, newwin, [LIBCURSES="-lcurses"]) 
+AC_CHECK_LIB(ncurses, newwin, [LIBCURSES="-lncurses"], 
+     AC_CHECK_LIB(curses, newwin, [LIBCURSES="-lcurses"])
diff -u -r -N ./pledit/Makefile ../Vanilla/pledit/Makefile
--- ./pledit/Makefile	Mon Apr 23 13:02:26 2001
+++ ../Vanilla/pledit/Makefile	Mon Apr 23 13:00:21 2001
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 OBJS	= main.o edit.o input.o ../ntserv/getpath.o ../ntserv/data.o \
 HDRS	= pledit.h
-LIBCURSES = -lcurses
+# LIBCURSES = -lcurses
 PROGRAM	= pledit