If the sound files still don't work you can try
downloading from:

Download the Minimal + Metaserver Add-on + Fed Sounds
(2.29 MB).

Scrap the client and keep the sound effects if you

Make sure your RC file contains something like:

# Sound Settings
sound: on
sounddir: C:\Rec\Netrek\FedSnds

That should get you up and running with sound.


--- Isaac Earl <dukovrl at jester.com> wrote:
> I've finally figured out how to install the pixmaps
> file, but the only problem is that the sound will
> not work. I've tried downloading the sound source
> off the netrek.org many times but it doesn't work
> for my windows machine, I would very much
> apprecieate it if you knew of any way to get a sound
> source for cow 3.00 that would work for windows.
> thanks
> _______________________________________________
> vanilla-clients mailing list
> vanilla-clients at us.netrek.org

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