I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but are you all wanting me to sign up
http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=968 ?

I'm not very effecient in C, but do have minimal knowledge in VB. (Like
thats hard!) I do, however, have a lot of graphic software and know I will
be supplying my window settings to the project. I mailed Zach with the
information he requestied, but have not received a reply. I told him that my
window settings could use a few improvments, but he can have them as is if
he wants. I also have RH 7.1 and Cygwin installed on my computer, which
should be helpful in testing the software. There are a lot of details about
how the program should function, but I'm sure I'll be able to get my opinion
in later. I would love the join the "development team," but I don't know if
I can produce a lot of help. Just let me know!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerard Lim" <rutabega20 at hotmail.com>
To: <vanilla-list at us.netrek.org>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Vanilla List] any growth on this?

> >Have you placed the list of features in a TODO file in CVS yet? ;-)
> >I'd like the program to be good enough to be a front end to COW.  This
> >is what I had in mind when I re-worked the metaserver solicitation
> >protocol last year or the year before.  A GTK GUI front end that does
> >the metaserver query and lets the player join the game, but with a tag
> >or button that customises their .xtrekrc file.
> Just updated the TODO file.  I've also added a directory called
> netrek-config following Kurt's suggestion.
> Aside from that, anyone know why all the checked out cow source
> files are read-only?  I can commit changes though...
> Also, what's the name of the Vanilla server module for CVS ?  :)
> >I've checked the developer list.  Gerard Lim has access now, we're
> >waiting on Zach.
> And Michael Wyatt too.
> gerard
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