Hi all,

I'm not sure how I will fit in, but I'll chime in for the heck of it.

I'm interested in helping with a netrek front end in Java.  I have
professional experience in Java on Unix and PC, including some Swing.  Also
lots of C++ and some C (but no GUI work in either, and no interest in
learning X, TCL/Tk, or other widget sets).  I'm used to CVS and some GNU
tools.  I hardly think GL is necessary.  I have access to Solaris and
Windows 2000 and XP.  I think it would be good if netrek developers used
freely available tools.

If there's a project I could help with, let me know.

Dan Damouth

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Cameron" <quozl at us.netrek.org>
To: <vanilla-list at us.netrek.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Vanilla List] Netrek front-end!!

> G'day,
> I've received and compiled the list of tools suggested.
> The next step is for developers to let me know what level of
> participation and productivity you would be able to provide based on
> the tool list.  Reply to all or private, your choice.
> Project Goal: create a cross-platform (Linux, UNIX, Windows) wrapper
> around the COW Netrek client that provides configuration options,
> metaserver list, documentation, training, and playing.
> Please estimate the typical hours per week you will be available to
> serve on this community project:
>         Typical                 [   ] hours/week
> Now we wish to estimate the productivity of the project team.  We'll
> list the tools that we can use, and ask you to rate each one,
> according to the following scale:
>         0 - won't participate if this tool is mandated
>         1 - will learn this tool if it is chosen
>         2 - will be immediately productive in this tool
>         3 - will train others in this tool
>         4 - will gather more developers if this tool is chosen
> Implementation Languages
>         C                       [   ]
>         C++                     [   ]
>         Java                    [   ]
>         Python                  [   ]
>         Perl                    [   ]
>         PHP                     [   ]
>         Pascal                  [   ]
>         Common Lisp             [   ]
>         TCL                     [   ]
>         Kylix                   [   ]
> (0=won't, 1=will learn, 2=productive, 3=will train, 4=evangelise)
> Widget Sets
>         C/GTK                   [   ]
>         PHP-GTK                 [   ]
>         Motif                   [   ]
>         OpenLook                [   ]
>         QT                      [   ]
>         wxWindow                [   ]
>         TCL/Tk                  [   ]
>         Perl/Tk                 [   ]
> (0=won't, 1=will learn, 2=productive, 3=will train, 4=evangelise)
> Configuration and Build Environments
>         Cygwin                  [   ]
>         GNU make                [   ]
>         GNU autoconf            [   ]
>         GNU automake            [   ]
>         KDevelop                [   ]
> (0=won't, 1=will learn, 2=productive, 3=will train, 4=evangelise)
> Repository Tools
>         CVS                     [   ]
> Media Layer (may not be required given project scope)
>         SDL                     [   ]
>         OpenGL                  [   ]
> (0=won't, 1=will learn, 2=productive, 3=will train, 4=evangelise)
> --
> James Cameron    mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org     http://quozl.netrek.org/
> _______________________________________________
> vanilla-list mailing list
> vanilla-list at us.netrek.org
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