Hi Bob...

The rc I use has significantly modified window mapping...  I got the
rc file from guilty (he ran a uwash server [circa '95] a number of years ago).

Hmm... I"ve never attached a file using the netscape.net system... Let me
know if it


Bob Tanner <tanner at real-time.com> wrote:

>Anyone have a useful window mappings for cow on a 1024x768 resolution?
>Would like to put an example of this config into the rpm, since most of the
>monitors on the boxes that can play netrek are at 1024x768.
>Bob Tanner <tanner at real-time.com>         | Phone : (952)943-8700
>http://www.mn-linux.org, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
>Key fingerprint =  6C E9 51 4F D5 3E 4C 66 62 A9 10 E5 35 85 39 D9 
>vanilla-list mailing list
>vanilla-list at us.netrek.org

Daniel Griffing
griffingdaniel at netscape.net

Your favorite stores, helpful shopping tools and great gift ideas. Experience the convenience of buying online with Shop at Netscape! http://shopnow.netscape.com/

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at http://webmail.netscape.com/
-------------- next part --------------
tts:                             on

tts_color:                       aquamarine

tts_time:                        25

tts_loc:                         500

tts_len:                         100

UDP.geometry:                   40x10+1+0

UDP.mapped:                     off

UDP.parent:                     netrek

#udpClientReceive: 2

#udpClientSend: 3

sounddir:       /usr/local/cow/sound

# sound:         on

# soundplayer:   /usr/local/bin/bgsndplay  

babes: on

xpm: on

shipBitmapPath: /space/pixmap
metaserver:  metaserver2.us.netrek.org

#metaserver: metaserver.us.netrek.org

#metaserver: metaserver.netrek.org

#metaserver: metaserver.ecst.csuchico.edu

#metaserver: carrier.cs.vu.nl

#metaserver: metaserver

metaport: 3521

#name:               New Character 

#name:                BBuddy 

name:                guest 

#name:              just a tool 


#name:               Ninja Wolf! 

#name:              Ninja  Dan! 

#name:              Ninja Dan!

port:                            2592

server:              localhost

server:wormhole:                 wormhole.ecst.csuchico.edu

server.guinness:         guinness.crhc.uiuc.edu

server.hockey:           hockey.netrek.org

server.mit:          mit.netrek.org

server.admiral:          admiral.crosier.net


server.cal:                      calvin.usc.edu

server.lexus:            lexus.physics.indiana.edu

server.bb:           bigbang.astro.indiana.edu

server.tech:                     bradbert.ugcs.caltech.edu

server.vlsi:             vlsi.ics.uci.edu

server.base:             thoth.ics.uci.edu

server.wm:           wormhole.ecst.csuchico.edu

server.curly:            curly.cc.utexas.edu

server.tbyte:            netrek.tbyte.com

server.real:             netrek.real-time.com

server.rio:          riovista.eecs.berkeley.edu

server.tilden:                   tilden.eecs.berkeley.edu

server.ksu:          inl.ksu.edu

server.dias:             dias.umiacs.umd.edu

server.hal:          hal.eecs.umich.edu

server.fathead:          fathead.dcn.ryerson.ca

server.ET:           eskel.dtek.chalmers.se

server.se:           eskel.dtek.chalmers.se

server.castle:           netrek.castle.net

server.real:             netrek.real-time.com

buttonmap:           1t2p3k4i5-6k7P8p9+


#color.red:                       orange

color.rom:                       pink

color.green:                     green

color.purple:                    azure

newInfo: on

tryshort : on

dashboard:                       on

fillTriangle:                    off

scrollbar:                       off

scrollsavelines:                 300

# newPlayerList:                   on

# playerListStyle: 3

# playerlist: nNlMLS       KnT

playerlist: nNlMLS       KnT

phaserMsgI:                      on

reportKillsInReview:         off

#shortKillMesg:                   off

shortKillMesg:                   on

showGalactic:            1

stippleBorder:                   on

galacticFrequent:                on

keepPeace:           on 

netStatFreq:                     10

showPlanetNames:                 1

showPlanetOwner:                 on

useMsgw:                         off

showInd:                         on

showLocal:           3

showPlayerStatus:                on

showStats:           off

sortPlayers:                     on

#sortPlayers:                     off

varyShields:                     on

font:        6x10

boldfont:    6x10

italicfont:  6x10

bigfont:     -adobe-times-bold-r-normal--34-240-100-100-p-177-iso8859-1

# keymap:                          Dd ddDvfa%rTtyTt at ef4nrgyglv%ayfT ddDtfe]r$

# detown d; detelse e; shup s; shdown w; tractup f; pressup a

# tractpressdown q; armyup z; armydown r;

# cloakup c;cloakdown C;war W;quit Q;rank U; info i

# repair R;macro X;bomb b;mess m;maxwarp v,D; lock g

# orbit o,A

keymap: @eTfeddDrxc{C}f_a^q$AonrglWwhl dMmv%w[s]

#keymap:                          Dd ddDvfa%rTtyTt at ef4nrgyglv%ayfT ddDtfetrt

macroKey:                        X

logFile:                         Netrek.Messages

logMessage:         off

#fastClear:         on

fastClear:          off

shrinkPhasers:                   on

shrinkPhasersAmount:         5

enemyPhasers:                    10

netrek.geometry:                1024x770-6-25

#netrek.geometry:               1020x764

netrek.parent:                  root

netrek_icon.geometry:           112x80+0+0

netrek_icon.parent:             root

local.geometry:                 502x500+510+210

local.mapped:                   on

local.parent:                   netrek

tts:                             on

tts_color:                       aquamarine

tts_time:                        30

tts_loc:                         20

tts_len:                         300

#map.geometry:                   502x500+0+54

#map.mapped:                     on

#map.parent:                     netrek

# player.geometry:                82x21+1+542

#player.geometry:       82x21+1+562

player.geometry:        85x22-10+543

player.mapped:                  on

player.parent:                  netrek

map.geometry:                   502x500+0+41

map.mapped:                     on

map.parent:                     netrek

tstat.geometry:                 502x44+510+720

tstat.mapped:                   on

tstat.parent:                   netrek

warn.geometry:                  503x17+509+188

warn.mapped:                    on

warn.parent:                    netrek

#message.geometry:              502x17+510+529

#message.geometry:               502x17+510+524

message.geometry:               502x17+0-3

message.mapped:                 on

message.parent:                 netrek

#review_team.geometry:          82x5+510+555

#review_team.geometry:           82x5+510+545

review_team.geometry:       81x10+1+649

#review_team.geometry:      82x5+1+545
#review_team.mapped:             on
review_team.mapped:     off
review_team.parent:             netrek

#review.geometry:               82x9+510+659
#review.geometry:                82x10+510+649
review.geometry:                82x9+510+84
review.mapped:                  on
review.parent:                  netrek

#review_your.geometry:          82x5+510+555
#review_your.geometry:          82x5+510+545
review_your.geometry:       82x1+1+17
review_your.mapped:             on
review_your.parent:             netrek

#stats.geometry:                160x34+850+555
#stats.geometry:                160x95+840+555
stats.geometry:                 160x95+849+49
stats.mapped:                   off
stats.parent:                   netrek

# 4th window, low on the right under the galactic
#review_phaser.geometry:        82x3+510+617
#review_phaser.geometry:         82x3+510+607
review_phaser.geometry:     82x2+510+50
review_phaser.mapped:           on
review_phaser.parent:           netrek

# same place as review_phaser

#review_kill.geometry:          82x3+510+617

#review_kill.geometry:           82x3+510+607

review_kill.geometry:       82x4+510-2  

#review_kill.mapped:             off

review_kill.mapped:     on

review_kill.parent:             netrek

#review_all.geometry:           82x9+510+659

#review_all.geometry:            82x9+510+649

review_all.geometry:        81x9+1+99

review_all.mapped:              off

review_all.parent:              netrek

#fed - Fed selection window

fed.parent:             netrek

fed.geometry:           100x100+0+400

#rom - Romulan selection window

rom.parent:             netrek

rom.geometry:           100x100+0+0

#kli - Klingon selection window

kli.parent:             netrek

kli.geometry:           100x100+400+0

#ori - Orion selection window

ori.parent:             netrek

ori.geometry:           100x100+400+400

quit.parent:            netrek

quit.geometry:          100x100+560+10

#UDP.geometry:                   40x10+510+0

#UDP.mapped:                     on

#UDP.parent:                     netrek

help.geometry:                  +0+548
help.mapped:                    off

help.parent:                    netrek

lagMeter.geometry:              74x124+550+0

lagMeter.mapped:                off

lagMeter.parent:                netrek

pingStats.geometry:             294x110+0+600

pingStats.mapped:               off

pingStats.parent:               netrek

planet.geometry:                26x43+330+10

planet.mapped:                  off

#planet.parent:                  netrek

planet.parent:                  map

rank.geometry:                  65x17+10+10

rank.mapped:                    off

rank.parent:                    netrek

war.geometry:                   20x6+370+390

war.mapped:                     off

war.parent:                     map

#dist.taking: %T%c->%O %T%c --> %L <-- w/ %a armies            (%l @ %n) 

#dist.space_control: %T%c->%O Help Control at %L --> %L <--

#dist.base_ogg: %T%c->%O BASE OGG -->  Sync %g  <-- BASE OGG

dist.carrying: %T%c->%O %?%S=SB%{Your Starbase is carrying %?%a>0%{%a%!NO%} arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies%}%!%{ %T%c --> (%T%c+%a)/%S <-- Carrying %a armies%}%}    (%d%%D, %s%%S, %f%%F).

mac.s.%u:  %f%% fuel; %s%% shields; %d%% damage

mac.S: (%S+%a): %?%f<30%{BAD %!%}fuel(%f%%); %?%s<30%{BAD %!%}%?%s<100%{shields(%s%%); %!%}%?%d>60%{BAD %!%}%?%d>0%{damage(%d%%); %!%}%?%e>99%{ETEMP; %!%?%e>50%{etmp(%e%%); %!%}%}%?%w>99%{WTEMP; %!%?%w>80%{wtmp(%w%%); %!%}%} 

mac.1.A:.           __

mac.1.A:.      \  _/\ \___  /

mac.1.A:.        /\___  __\          %o Declares Moral Superiority

mac.1.A:.    -   \/__ \ \_/  -           over %l!

mac.1.A:.            \ \_\

mac.!.A:.      /      \/_/  \

#mac.2.A:    %U (%p) at %L is a little confused.  He think's he's %Z!   

mac.2.A:.                                   /\   /\

mac.2.A:.    (- <)  - I hate my team.       \ \_/ /  - Captain,

mac.2.A:.   /VVVV \                          ('.')     I sense

mac.2.A:.  @ ^^^^@~                         ()   ()    hostility.

mac.2.A:.   _|  _|                          (_)-(_)

#mac.2.A:.             ||            _____    \ | /             gravy boat

#mac.2.A:.      (> - >]__]           |ooo|     \|/     ____     %p spotted

#mac.2.A:.     <___ at --\__/--@        \    `-----------/   /     near %L;

#mac.2.A:.      |   |                 \__________________/      set intercept

#mac.2.A:.      /_ /_                                           course!!!

#mac.3.A:.                       /\/\
#mac.3.A:.                      /  \o\              %p: SUNK

#mac.3.A:.             (o       \   \o\
#mac.3.A:.         ....||     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

#mac.3.A:.     /\   /\  Intel reports that               I UNDERSTAND

#mac.3.A:.     \ \_/ /  %p is leaving %L         (. .)   OBERFUEHRER, AND

#mac.3.A:.      ('.')   with a shipment         |VVVV |  VOLUNTEER TO SINK

#mac.3.A:.     ()   ()  of vital gravy...       @| + |@  THE VITAL ENEMY

#mac.3.A:.     (_)-(_)                          _|  _|   GRAVY TRANSPORT!

#mac.3.A:.             THANK YOU OBERFUEHRER,    /\   /\   Your country

#mac.3.A:.    (. .)@   I AM PROUD TO SERVE       \ \_/ /   appreciates your

#mac.3.A:.   |\VVVV >  A GRATEFUL NATION          ('.')    sacrifice, as do

#mac.3.A:.   @| + |    IN THE %S SERVICE         ()   ()   I, one plush toy

#mac.3.A:.    |_  |_                             (_)-(_)   to another.

mac.4.A:.                           .     .   /\_.----.

mac.4.A:.                             .  :    \_/ /  / \

mac.4.A:.     Oh, the humanity!     <    <     / /  // /\          \o/

mac.4.A:.                         .:>: .> >. :/*/:</>./.X__         |


#mac.3.T: ##########--- Base Ogg in 30 seconds ---###########

mac.3.A:%        o.-.o           o.-.o           o.-.o

mac.3.A:%        ((^))           ((^))           ((^))

mac.3.A:%       0}._.{0         0}._.{0         0}.-.{0

mac.3.A:%        0/ \0           0/ \0           0/ \0  

#mac.B.T:   << OGG BASE OGG BASE ** Sync %g ** BASE OGG BASE OGG >>

mac.c.T: %p++ near %l

#mac.C.A:%      {~._.~}

#mac.C.A:%       ( Y )       Awww... Need your koala

#mac.C.A:%      ()~*~()      to cry on, %u

#mac.C.A:%      (_)-(_)  

mac.e.T: ---- >>  EMERGENCY @ %L  ----->>  %L  <<-----






mac.h.A:%          /##\ /##\          /##\ /##\          /##\ /##\

mac.h.A:%          #########          #########          #########

mac.h.A:%          `#######'          `#######'          `#######'

mac.h.A:%            `\#/'              `\#/'              `\#/'

#mac.h.A:% 888 888   e88 88e     e88'Y88 888 88P 888'Y88 Y88b Y8P 

#mac.h.A:% 888 888  d888 888b   d888  'Y 888 8P  888 ,'Y  Y88b Y  

#mac.h.A:% 8888888 C8888 8888D C8888     888 K   888C8     Y88b     BABY!  

#mac.h.A:% 888 888  Y888 888P   Y888  ,d 888 8b  888 ",d    888   

#mac.h.A:% 888 888   "88 88"     "88,d88 888 88b 888,d88    888  

mac.H.A:%            ,/#\.              ,/#\.              ,/#\.

mac.H.A:%          ,#######.          ,#######.          ,#######.

mac.H.A:%          #########          #########          #########

mac.H.A:%          \##/ \##/          \##/ \##/          \##/ \##/

#mac.H.A:%    _     _____ ____  ____    ____  _____   ____  ____  ____  _____

#mac.H.A:%   / \ /|/  __//  __\/  _ \  /  _ \/    /  /   _\/  _ \/  __\/  __/

#mac.H.A:%   | |_|||  \  |  \/|| / \|  | / \||  __\  |  /  | / \||  \/||  \

#mac.H.A:%   | | |||  /_ |    /| \_/|  | \_/|| |     |  \__| \_/||    /|  /_

#mac.H.A:%   \_/ \|\____\\_/\_\\____/  \____/\_/     \____/\____/\_/\_\\____\

#mac.I.A:%                      __  __  __          

#mac.I.A:%                     |__||__||  |_ .---.-.

#mac.I.A:%    YO %p              __ |  ||   _||  _  |

#mac.I.A:%                     |__||__||____||___._|

#mac.j.A:% %T%c has voted to EJECT %p RUNNER. 1 player (of 8) has voted.

#mac.j.A:% Still need 1 more votes to EJECT %p RUNNER.

#mac.K.A:%                _      ______  ____  ______

#mac.K.A:%               | | /| / / __ \/ __ \/ __/ /

#mac.K.A:%               | |/ |/ / /_/ / /_/ / _//_/ 

#mac.K.A:%               |__/|__/\____/\____/_/ (_)  

mac.K.A:% /##\ /##\    ,--- ,-,    ,-,  ,----,  ,---- ,  ,  , ,    /##\ /##\

mac.K.A:% #########    |    |  \  /  |  |    |  |     | /   | |    #########

mac.K.A:% '#######'    '--, |   \/   |  |----|  |     |<    | |    `#######'

mac.K.A:%   `\#/'         | |        |  |    |  |     | \            `\#/'

mac.K.A:% With Love    ---' '        '  '    '  '---- '  '  ' '    With Love

mac.L.A:  %i SUCKS!
#mac.l.A:. Meet my friend... The    *******  oAo           ooooooOo  Oo

#mac.l.A:. .    _____ .  .  ___         *  oAAAAAo         ooo ooooo

#mac.l.A:. |      |   |\ | |            ***{AAAAAAA} -------- o BEWM! ooo

#mac.l.A:. |      |   | \| *--          *  oAAAAAo         ooo oo oo

#mac.l.A:. |___ __|__ |  | |___     *******  oAo          oooo o o oo o

#mac.M.A:%     ("`-/")_.-'"``-._i         NINJA MEW! (2)

#mac.M.A:%      , , `; -._    )-;-,_`)    

#mac.M.A:%     (v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'     MEEEEE-OW!

#mac.M.A:%    _.- _..-_/ / ((.'

#mac.M.A:%  ((,.-'   ((,/    Felix Lee <flee at cse.psu.edu

mac.m.A:%            .-"-.              .-"-.             .-"-.

mac.m.A:%          _/.-.-.\_          _/.-.-.\_         _/.-.-.\_

mac.m.A:%         ( ( o o ) )        ( ( o o ) )       ( ( o o ) )

mac.m.A:%          |/  "  \|          |/  "  \|         |/  "  \|

mac.m.A:%           \ .-. /            \ .-. /           \ .-. /

mac.M.A:%           / `-' \            / `-' \           / `-' \
mac.M.A:%          |\  "  /|          |\  "  /|         |\  "  /|
mac.M.A:%         (_( o o )_)        (_( o o )_)       (_( o o )_)
mac.M.A:%           \`-.-'/            \`-.-'/           \`-.-'/
mac.M.A:%            `-"-'              `-"-'             `-"-'
#mac.n.A:%  \     ,;    Sometimes...   ||          

#mac.n.A:%   \   |- |                 [__[< - <)   Ya just gotta retreat!

#mac.n.A:%    %%  = /               @--\__/-- at ___>  Ninja is outta here!

#mac.n.A:%     o--||                      |    |

#mac.n.A:%      ./ '--.                   _\   _\

#mac.N.A:%              ,;,   ,

#mac.N.A:%             |- -| %% <- %i's Ninja Sword 

#mac.N.A:%  Ninja ->   '==='/  

#mac.N.A:%           o--| |--o   

#mac.N.A:%             ./ \.

#mac.o.A:%             ,;,     /  %u,

#mac.o.A:%            |- -|   /   I could do this with one arm tied behind

#mac.o.A:%            '==='  %%    my back!
mac.o.A:%             | |--o

#mac.o.A:%            ./ \.

mac.P.A:%             ,;,        

#mac.P.A:%            |x x|     I've Been HIT! 

#mac.P.A:%          o '===' o    YOU BASTARDS!

#mac.P.A:%           \-|o|-/
mac.P.A:%            ./ \.

#mac.q.A:%            ,;,   ,  <-- %i == Ninja 

#mac.q.A:%           |- -| %%              

#mac.q.A:%         o '==='/      O  

#mac.q.A:%          \-| |--o    -|-  <-- %u == Ninja's Little Buddy

#mac.q.A:%           ./ \.      / \

#mac.Q.A:%            ,;,   ,

#mac.Q.A:%           |- -| %%   <-- %u,

#mac.Q.A:%           `==='/        The Ninja Give You TWO(2) Thumbs Up!

#mac.Q.A:%         d--| |--b       You Rewl!!

#mac.Q.A:%           ./ \.        

#mac.r.A:%      \     ,;, 

#mac.r.A:%       \   |- -|   Using his super-human ninja powers,

#mac.r.A:%        %%  `===' o %i senses that %p++ @ %l. 

#mac.r.A:%         o--| |-/  

#mac.r.A:%           ./ \.   NINJAS, PREPARE TO AMBUSH!

#mac.R.A:%              ,;,   ,  Ninja Says:

#mac.R.A:%             |- -| %%     JOIN THE DRAFT LEAGUE

#mac.R.A:%             '==='/      http://draft.lagparty.org/

#mac.R.A:%           o--| |--o     Anyone can join!

#mac.R.A:%             ./ \.

mac.s.A:.             \                        %U   

#mac.s.A:.    _        ||_________________      is  

#mac.s.A:.   (_|%%|%%|%%|%%|[_________________> Ninja  of ZEN!!!

#mac.s.A:.             ||                       You Rewl! 

#mac.s.A:.              \      

#mac.p.A:%                      /|/|

#mac.p.A:%        O-=___    .__(xo)       _      ___=-O
#mac.p.A:%       /`-'        U--   ------/ \       `-`/\         Poachers!!!

#mac.p.A:%       \\         ---\_   # #  |             /\

#mac.p.A:%       / \           _/-------/ \           /  \

#mac.P.A:%     ____              __   ____              __   ____

#mac.P.A:%    / __ \__  ______  / /  / __ \__  ______  / /  / __ \__
______  / /

#mac.P.A:%   / /_/ / / / / __ \/ /  / /_/ / / / / __ \/ /  / /_/ / / / /
__ \/ / 

#mac.P.A:%  / _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/  / _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/  / _, _/ /_/ / /
/ /_/  

#mac.P.A:% /_/ |_|\__,_/_/ /_(_)  /_/ |_|\__,_/_/ /_(_)  /_/ |_|\__,_/_/

#mac.T.T:%  Yo you guys at %L!

#mac.T.T:%                __

#mac.T.T:%              .'  '.

#mac.T.T:%             | STOP |

#mac.T.T:%              '.__.'

mac.V: %T%c  PING stats: Average: %v ms, Stdv: %V ms, Loss: %y%%

#mac.w.A:%      (     |\|\

#mac.w.A:%      \\_____(\/)_.     NINJA WOLF!!

#mac.w.A:%      /_____ _ __/

#mac.w.A:%      \ `-  `- \

#mac.y.A:%       (     |\|\

#mac.y.A:%      \\_____(\/)__.      The Ninja escapes again!!!

#mac.y.A:%       |_____ _ __/

#mac.y.A:%       \ `-  `- \

#mac.W.A:%                                               From the tall pines,

#mac.W.A:%    " / " /\          /\                        the wolf spots

#mac.W.A:%      \__/  \_|\|\   /  \        /~~\           an undefended planet!!

#mac.W.A:%       //____\ (\/)_.   _\      |    |   <- %L

#mac.W.A:%       \_ || __ ___/  ||         \__/

#mac.Z.A:%                                 ___  _   __  _    __  __   _

#mac.Z.A:%  /O          O       O        ,' _/ / \,' /.' \ ,'_/ / //7// O  

#mac.Z.A:% /-|    o=  /-|  o=   |-\o=   _\ `. / \,' // o // /_ /  ,'//  |---=o 

#mac.Z.A:%  / \      / / \     / \ \   /___,'/_/ /_//_n_/ |__//_/\\()  / \

#mac.!.A:% ***************** http://draft.lagparty.org/ *************************

#mac.!.A:%  __       _                      __   __   __   __  Anyone Can Join.

#mac.!.A:% |  \ _ _ (_|_  |   _ _  _     _   _) /  \ /  \ /  \ Sign Up Today.

#mac.!.A:% |__/| (_|| |_  |__(-(_|(_)|_|(-  /__ \__/ \__/ \__/ Learn from
mac. at .A:%                        _/                           experience!

#mac. at .A:% *************** Anyone Can Play, Sign Up Today! **********************

#mac.#.A:%  ___ Join Today __ _     _  http://draft.lagparty.org/

#mac.#.A:% |   \ _ _ __ _ / _| |_  | |   ___ __ _ __ _ _  _ ___  

#mac.#.A:% | |) | '_/ _` |  _|  _| | |__/ -_) _` / _` | || / -_) 

#mac.#.A:% |___/|_| \__,_|_|  \__| |____\___\__,_\__, |\_,_\___| 

#mac.#.A:%             Learn to not suck         |___/

#mac.$.A:% oooooooooo.                       .o88o.     . 

#mac.$.A:% `888'   `Y8b                      888 `"   .o8  

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#mac._.A:%          _/.-.-.\_    <-- Didn't join the draft league

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#mac._.A:%          |/  "  \|    Don't be like him!

#mac._.A:%           \ .-. /     http://draft.lagparty.org/

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