From: "cyberbillp" <cyberbillp at> Newsgroups: Subject: State or affairs Date: 18 Jan 2006 08:46:33 -0800 I'm probing for some NeTrek info here. Perhaps some background is in order, I'll try to be brief, but I must forwarn that some of this is going to be negative. I've run a large game server for NWN for several years and have many dedicated players. Many of them come and go as their interest in NWN peaks and wanes. Recently seems more players are tiring of NWN, myself included. So I've been looking for a new game for us to play and keep our gaming experience together fresh. So....I stumbled across NeTrek. Haven't played this in about 10 years. Last time I played NeTrek I related it more to SubSpace than GEnie's Stellar Warrior, but this time I guess I looked at it differently ( I really enjoyed Stellar Warrior back in the day ). NeTrek has WinXp clients for those poor people suffering under that OS still. Plus it has a Java Client which I can run on my web site. It all looks good. The Win client from runs great. But the Linux client is bad and won't run. I find that the Java client isn't "Blessed". This may mean I must run an unsecure server. This sounds bad. So my first question is: How "bad" is it to run a server that accepts unblessed clients? Will the game be overrun with idiots and turn the whole thing into a really bad experience or is the blessed thing just over active paranioa? On to the bad stuff. Frankly the Netrek world as far as I can see if a complete mess. Almost every blessed client I downloaded was expired. Most of the clients won't even compile under modern Linux's. Even the latest Paradise server won't compile under Slackware. The only server I can even get to run is Vanilla. I see the psycosis (sic) server is running patch level 8 and I can't even find ANY patches for download. In vanilla a robot player spawns each time the server is logged into and just sits there, inactive. A new robot is added to the game each time a player logs in. The robots can not be shot or hurt in any way. Is this a bug? Is the server setup wrong? I dunno because the server software has virtually non existant documentation. In testing, I tried taking planets, but I'm told that I can't do that in T-Mode. I learn that T-Mode means you have to have 4+4 players online. Who's the bright spark that thought that up? Isn't it more incentive to go online and actually play if you can take planets? The longer you are online playing, the more chance you have of being seen online, the more people are going to play. When you log on and half your planets are wiped out, you have a whole nights work ahead of you to catch back up. This leads me to question 2: Can NeTrek be setup to allow play like this or is T-Mode mandatory? Lastly after ALOT of searching I finally found a blessed client for Linux that actually runs. I think it's the Paradise 2000 client. This will do me for now, but how long until it expires and I'm back to looking for a client again? And from what I've seen so far that search might be a long one. I shudder to think about how hard it must be for Mac users. To summarize: is a wreck. Virtually none of the blessed clients are unexpired. The source code for the clients won't compile on half of them and if it does compile, you can't play on real servers anyways. NeTrek web sites by the dozens are full of dead links, bad/confusing info and simply out dated info. Http:// is good if your are a windows player. But not for linux players or server admins. I'm reluctant to start a server or start herding players players into Netrek unless I know that this is something that is really playable for a large number of people across Win/Mac/Lin platforms. Is there an actual linux Netrek server available that runs well? Which one is "standard"? What is the "standard" client for each platform (preferably the same one for all three platforms)? Even more important; where can you download blessed clients that actually run? If isn't being maintained, them someone needs to step forward and create a new repository of blessed clients. Digging through 15-20 years of abandoned Netrek web sites is just insurmountable for most potential players. If anyone wonders where the players are (I've read stuff like this alot), the reasons above are why. The cost of entry in time and effort is orders of magnitude to high to play a game that frankly isn't very visually appealing. This post isn't meant to knock anyones hard work. Obviously alot of effort has gone into Netrek over the years. But since I've had so much trouble getting into the game, I thought perhaps a constructive view from a total outsider might help. Maybe not. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around