Rado, I'm sorry to sound a bit harsh, but I think nobody
these days cares that much about netrek. Nobody
will setup anything to compile/manage/distribute netrek

We all (at least most of us) are grown people that at
some point were crazy about the game and were willing
to spend indefinite amounts of time to make the game
better (each one in his own way). We aren't that crazy
anymore :)

I beleive that no person in this list (correct me if I'm wrong)
is willing to spend time to do tasks that you're willing us to.

I guess James/Carlos/Trent are people that will still have
last word in regards of what's right and wrong in current
netrek community. However they don't spend that much time
in the netrek universe any more. It's just the life, nothing
to do with that.

Great open source projects wouldn't be that great if there
wouldn't exist constant wave of new developers that come
and take charge. Same goes here.

I hope I didn't offend anyone and I'm sorry if I did.
This is only my opinion and as good old saying states:
"When two jews argue there are three different opinions" :)


On Thu, 29 Mar 2007, Rado S wrote:

> Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 13:16:30 +0200
> From: Rado S <regrado at web.de>
> Reply-To: Netrek Development Mailing List <netrek-dev at us.netrek.org>
> To: netrek-dev at us.netrek.org
> Subject: Re: [netrek-dev] Blessed binaries release procedure (CF without SF)
> =- James Quick wrote on Thu 29.Mar'07 at 10:19:44 +1000 -=
> > On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 10:45:03PM +0200, Rado S wrote:
> > > I've heard SF has a compile farm, which I believed to be a system
> > > where one could compile on (almost) all platforms to provide
> > > binaries.
> > 
> > True.
> > 
> > > How do you like that?
> > 
> > Good, please set it up, let us know how you go.
> Heh, the question didn't apply just to the technical compile farm
> aspect, but also to the source- binary separation/ new key
> management roles. Does your answer apply to this, too?
> Given that SF's compile farm is unusable for the time being, has
> anyone else the resources to run (or already runs) virtual
> platforms so that could be implemented without SF?
> I'm sorry for being lame to ask for somebody else to provide
> service rather than offering myself, but I simply don't have
> the resources, neither hard- nor soft- ware.
> I'm also no "legal" RSA- key-/ binaries manager candidate because
> I'm no USA/Canada citizen.
>  Or has the export limitation been lifted and I missed it?
> -- 
> © Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
> EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
> You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.
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