=- William Balcerski wrote on Sat 31.Mar'07 at  4:53:10 -0700 -=

> This brings us back to the question some raised - {...}

It was me this time, but it certainly has been thought of before.

> {...} -who is responsible ultimately for deciding what features
> are acceptable and what are borg?

Right, still no satisfying answer. :-/

Given that the current RSA state isn't so useful for ensuring
fairness (as Colin has laid down), are there other infra-
structures needed/ possible to offer more fairness/ trust?

If so, who'd decide what is legal and produce blessed binaries?
Without an agreement this would eventually end up with the
infra- structure providers, like domain owner, server owners.

As much as I appreciate the current infra-structure, if there is
no clarification on this part, we might need others. 

> Some might say that the players should have the ultimate say but
> that is not a good idea, as a vocal few can easily drown out the
> silent majority.


> Plus the add of any new info-borgish features should be geared
> to future players not the current players, many I'm sure who
> want to see newbies have to endure the same steep learning curve
> they had to suffer.

My suspicion, too.

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