On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 05:32:43PM +0200, Narcis wrote:
> Whoever encounters a player unable to move
> can tell them to hit the normal keys 0-9 % etc or
> shout "max" at their computer, if their mic is open,
> the client should respond to basic voice commands.

	I have helped multiple mactrek users in the past couple of
	days.  Helping them is not a problem, at least for me.

	What is a problem is that they are unaware of how to do
	it on their own.  That's a client documentation issue
	that should probably be corrected.

"I'm sorry but our engineers do not have phones."
As stated by a Network Solutions Customer Service representative when asked to
be put through to an engineer.

"My other computer is your windows box."
                                     Ralf Hildebrandt
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