I've just tried 1.5.0 on Intel, and it does not start.  Activating the
icon on the desktop causes no obvious response.

Running the program manually; assuming I'm doing that right, shows a
missing symbol _NSDefaultRunLoopMode.

Script log attached.

James Cameron
-------------- next part --------------
Script started on Mon Aug 31 09:00:33 2009
jander:~/Desktop/MacTrek.app/Contents/MacOS james$ ls -l
total 2328
-rwxr-xr-x   1 james  james  1188980 Aug 29 04:58 MacTrek
jander:~/Desktop/MacTrek.app/Contents/MacOS james$ stat MacTrek 
234881026 8709684 -rwxr-xr-x 1 james james 0 1188980 "Aug 31 09:00:05 2009" "Aug 29 04:58:11 2009" "Aug 31 08:56:13 2009" 4096 2328 0 MacTrek
jander:~/Desktop/MacTrek.app/Contents/MacOS james$ md5sum MacTrek 
213073b839b6d890f6480fd522a958b1  MacTrek
jander:~/Desktop/MacTrek.app/Contents/MacOS james$ ./MacTrek 
dyld: Symbol not found: _NSDefaultRunLoopMode
  Referenced from: /Users/james/Desktop/MacTrek.app/Contents/MacOS/./MacTrek
  Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation

Trace/BPT trap
jander:~/Desktop/MacTrek.app/Contents/MacOS james$ exit

Script done on Mon Aug 31 09:00:51 2009