On 03/18/2016 17:00, Tommy Amberson wrote:
> My problem is not exactly the installing. The configure, make, make
> install worked well. It is when I connect a client to it that things
> start going wrong. If a client sends any message, my server will say
> ***buffer overflow detected***: netserv terminated then it gives the
> backtrace and memory map meanwhile the client crashes (the program still
> runs but nothing happens no matter what you do). Whenever the server
> enters t-mode,kills a robot, or sometimes when another player enters the
> game the same thing happens.
> I'm also not sure if I am using the right software and hardware. I'm
> running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on what used to be a windows desktop pc (hp
> pavilion elite m9425f PC).

If I remember correctly, the server doesn't work on 64-bit x86. Is that
what you're using?

Could you pastebin your backtrace?


Kevin Zheng
kevinz5000 at gmail.com | kevinz at berkeley.edu | PGP: 0xC22E1090