Hi Kevin,
My guess is some of the bots have so many hours or "ticks" played that they
are causing some calculation in ltd stats to create a negative number for
hours. So the ratings are appearing as negative.  Any suggestion how to fix
welcome. The scores A tool does not work for ltd stats so not sure how to
modify the player database.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 4:16 PM Kevin Zheng <kevinz5000 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> netrek.beeseenterprises.com is a Sturgeon public server. Some of the
> bots have amassed very large "Offense" and "Defense" ratings, so much so
> that the player list in netrek-client-cow shows them as garbled characters.
> Further investigation reveals that ftoa() is not designed to emit
> negative numbers properly, and that for some reason, the client tries to
> call ftoa() on a negative number when displaying these bots' ratings.
> The attached patch replaces the garbled characters with '??????'.
> Further investigation is needed to root cause the problem. It's unclear
> whether or not this is a problem with the server.
> Regards,
> Kevin
> --
> Kevin Zheng
> kevinz5000 at gmail.com | kevinz at berkeley.edu
> XMPP: kevinz at eecs.berkeley.edu
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