
My Swift Netrek server has a compatibility problem with COW and Windows clients.

When a person dies, the clients do not pop up the “choose team” screen.  So people have to disconnect to respawn.
The clients also do not show the “you were killed by [WEAPON] from [PLAYER] message when connected to my server.

What message/flag sent from the server triggers that window / message?

I was assuming it was the whydead and whodead fields in the SP_YOU, but so far I haven’t been able to get it working.

Here’s a sequence of SP_YOU messages from <>.  These can be assumed to be correct.  I’ve put the death and respan in BOLD

"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 64 shieldStrength 100 fuel 10000 engineTemp 0 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 0 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 103 shieldStrength 100 fuel 10000 engineTemp 0 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 103 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9980 engineTemp 5 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 103 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9960 engineTemp 10 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 103 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9940 engineTemp 15 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 103 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9924 engineTemp 19 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 103 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9908 engineTemp 23 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 103 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9892 engineTemp 27 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 103 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9876 engineTemp 31 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 103 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9860 engineTemp 35 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 103 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9848 engineTemp 38 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33562624 damage 103 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9836 engineTemp 41 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 2049 damage 0 shieldStrength 100 fuel 10000 engineTemp 0 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6"
"Received SP_YOU 12 1 hostile 13 war 0 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 33556481 damage 0 shieldStrength 100 fuel 10000 engineTemp 0 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 6”

Here’s a sequence of SP_YOU messages from <>.

"Received SP_YOU 12 16 hostile 14 war 14 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 2048 damage 78 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9460 engineTemp 5 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 0 whodead 0"
"Received SP_YOU 12 16 hostile 14 war 14 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 2048 damage 118 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9460 engineTemp 5 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 0"
"Received SP_YOU 12 16 hostile 14 war 14 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 2048 damage 118 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9460 engineTemp 5 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 0"
"Received SP_YOU 12 16 hostile 14 war 14 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 2048 damage 118 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9460 engineTemp 5 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 0”

…large number of identical messages deleted…

"Received SP_YOU 12 16 hostile 14 war 14 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 2048 damage 118 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9460 engineTemp 5 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 0"
"Received SP_YOU 12 16 hostile 14 war 14 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 2048 damage 118 shieldStrength 100 fuel 9460 engineTemp 5 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 2 whodead 0"
"Received SP_YOU 12 16 hostile 14 war 14 armies 0 tractor 0 flags 2048 damage 0 shieldStrength 100 fuel 10000 engineTemp 0 weaponsTemp 0 whyDead 0 whodead 0”

(Looks like I need to fix whodead, but 0 is valid so I don’t think that’s the cause).

Could it be PFREFIT?

For reference, here’s the p_flags fields.  While my current implementation is missing red/yellow/green, I don’t see anything relevant.

/* bit masks of p_flags */
#define PFSHIELD           0x0001 /*!< shields are up */
#define PFREPAIR           0x0002 /*!< repairing damage or shields */
#define PFBOMB             0x0004 /*!< bombing planet while orbiting */
#define PFORBIT            0x0008 /*!< orbiting planet p_planet */
#define PFCLOAK            0x0010
#define PFWEP              0x0020
#define PFENG              0x0040
#define PFROBOT            0x0080
#define PFBEAMUP           0x0100
#define PFBEAMDOWN         0x0200
#define PFSELFDEST         0x0400
#define PFGREEN            0x0800
#define PFYELLOW           0x1000
#define PFRED              0x2000
#define PFPLOCK            0x4000       /* Locked on a player */
#define PFPLLOCK           0x8000       /* Locked on a planet */
#define PFCOPILOT         0x10000       /* Allow copilots */
#define PFWAR             0x20000       /* computer reprogramming for war */
#define PFPRACTR          0x40000       /* practice type robot (no kills) */
#define PFDOCK            0x80000 /*!< docked to a base, p_dock_with valid */
#define PFREFIT          0x100000       /* true if about to refit */
#define PFREFITTING      0x200000       /* true if currently refitting */
#define PFTRACT          0x400000       /* tractor beam activated */
#define PFPRESS          0x800000       /* pressor beam activated */
#define PFDOCKOK        0x1000000       /* docking permission */
#define PFSEEN          0x2000000       /* seen by enemy on galactic map? */
/*#define PFCYBORG      0x4000000       a cyborg? 7/27/91 TC */
#define PFOBSERV        0x8000000       /* for observers */
#define PFTWARP        0x40000000       /* isae -- SB transwarp */

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