What: Netrek Empire Game
When: Thursday July 30th @ 6PM Pacific / 9PM Eastern
Where: netrek.networkmom.net <http://netrek.networkmom.net/>

Backup server in case of instability: pickled.netrek.org <http://pickled.netrek.org/> (Bronco)

Netrek Empire mode:

Uses standard Bronco clients
All 4 teams active
Sufficient robots for minimum of 28 players (robots logoff as humans join)
When you join, you are randomly assigned a “home planet”
You spawn on whatever team controls the planet
When one empire controls 75% of the planets, they win.
If you want to refit ships, you need to do it at your assigned home planet.

As an empire gains planets, it gets more ships/players.  But it might be possible for the 3 other empires to stop a large empire from becoming dominant.
Due to the random assignment of players to planets, there is no guarantee that teams will start out even.

Other dev news:

Solved “blinking” in COW.  Many server updates are now only sent when needed, rather than once per second

netrek.networkmom.net <http://netrek.networkmom.net/> is now operating at 20FPS!

The MacOS client is now version 2.3.  That includes performance improvements to handle 20FP.  Should be an automatic update, but check your version in the MacOS AppStore and update if needed.

iOS client version 1.4 is submitted for review, including the same performance improvements.  Hopefully will be approved by late Monday.

I am suffering occasional crashes on the server and have had trouble getting a stacktrace.  The server is currently running inside an lldb session. If you see behavior that causes an apparent ghostbust, please email me.  One prior crash inducer was phasering off the top or left of the map.

feedback at networkmom.net

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