Jon Schewe said:
> Actually it is in rc0.d, look at the halt script.

*sigh*  There it is...  I just scanned the directory quickly and missed it.
(If I'd been thinking, I would've just looked at the last S entry - not much
point in trying to do anything else after shutting down, after all...)

> It calls halt -p -d -f, at
> least it does on my system, SuSE 6.4.

Basically the same here, except Debian adds a -i also.  ("Shut down all
network interfaces just  before  halt or reboot.")

> > > But note that shutdown/reboot/halt are hardcoded to runlevels 0,1,6,
> > > you ought to be able to recompile the source to change that...
> > 
> > I suspected as much.
> Actually they're not in the binary.  It's all in inittab and what scripts it
> calls.  If you want to halt at runlevel 3 make /etc/rc3.d have a symlink to
> the halt script, just like it is in rc0.d.

man shutdown states that it calls init to change the runlevel.  man halt says
that it calls shutdown unless -f is specified.  This would appear to indicate
that if 0 were made a non-shutdown runlevel, calling `shutdown -h now` or
`halt` would leave the system up, which is how I interpreted the original
statement that "shutdown/reboot/halt are hardcoded to runlevels 0,1,6".

Thanks for the info!

"Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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