In my simple maneuvering of trying to get my zip to be recognized, I whacked my /etc/fstab file.... It's a parallel Zip100 drive BTW. Also, doing this on SuSe 6.4 Following directions, here's what I did: # modprobe ppa (get a device busy or unavailable) # modprobe imm (didn't get any message, and heard the drive engage slightly. So I took it as that was the right one) # mkdir -p /mnt/zip # ln /dev/sda4 /dev/zip Now, here's where I messed up... Using vi, I went in and looked at the /etc/fstab file. Exiting out of there, and thinking I was doing good by following directions typed in the following command: # echo '/dev/zip /mnt/zip vfat noauto,user 0 0' \>>/etc/fstab When I did a more on it to see if the changes took place, I noticed that it whacked the original lines in there for the other devices. Like a dummy, I didn't write anything down as to the file contents. Any suggestions on what I can do? Or am I doomed to having to reload because I whacked a critical file? Shawn