Quoting Nick.T.Reinking at supervalu.com (Nick.T.Reinking at supervalu.com):
> Well, according to the mainframe folks here:
> You're going to be looking at around $1,000,000 or so for a 3000MIPS
> box with 30GB of memory or so.  You'll likely be able to run about 500
> active Linuxes on that box.  This certainly isn't a bad deal when you are
> crunched for space, but those 4000 boxes are going to run you about
> $8,000,000.  Once you're at that size, though, there may be some significant
> advantages to running it on a few MFs.  Also, a couple things you're 
> forgetting;

According to the 390 presentation, the sales guy made it sound like the 1mil
dollar box was able to support the 4000 instances. Maybe I heard wrong. Anyone
else at that meeting get that impression?

> 1) You'll be writing out a monthly check to IBM for support of these things.

For what? The presenter made it sound like if you just bought VM and the Linux
VM stuff that was it for cost. They have special pricing for Linux instances.

> 2) To really acheive real mainframe reliability, you need to be running 2 (at 
> minimum) or 4 (better) mainframes in a sysplex setup.

As I said before. Pipe dream. I have not done any pricing models yet. And of
course, I was just going on what the sales guy presented, which is always going
to be rosey colored.

Bob Tanner <tanner at real-time.com>       | Phone : (952)943-8700
http://www.mn-linux.org                 | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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