RH7,Mandrake as well as possibly Slackware 7.1 Give you the option to setup USB printers, I believe the Progency Printer cConfig can also do it......... Slack 7.1 Should be everyone's friend. As far as grub boot loading, ok so sure you get a pretty lettle menu driven GUI.... Whats wrong Lilo? At least it was fairly simple to setup other chain boot loaders with it? If your not into configuring Lilo, grub or something similar, there is a program called Uniload <search freshmeat for it> You can install it to a FLOPPY, then it gives you the option to boot any bootable partition on any IDE Harddrive....... Once again, all this is just my $0.02 As far as DSL, I used to have qwest DSL, we had some problems with the line, something like a tree wore away the plastic shielding, took 8 months for qwerst to come installl a new line, spent 6 months on the phone with their crappy tech support using flippy cards, all of their techs insisted it was a configuration error....... They even sent out a new modem/router/adapter deal.......... So if anyone needs a Cisco 605 internal DSL router I've got one............ Jonathan A. Kline __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/