Does anyone know where I can get CDROM's that don't use trays to load
the CD's? For example, a CD in a player accepts CD's without the trays,
and I have seen a couple around on Compaqs, but is there an aftermarket
seller of this type?

    Also, I am looking for an analog meter to put on my case that
indicates RAM consumption. Is any hardware available for anything like

     - Jamie

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Austad, Jay wrote:

> I finally ordered myself a new case.  I was going to shell out the $200-$300
> to buy one of those sweet aluminum cases, but they don't have a door in the
> front to hide the ugly beige crap that everyone is so bent on still
> producing.  Did I mention I hate beige?
> Anyway, I bought this guy, the Antec SX1030B SOHO Fileserver:
> 4 5.25" bays, 2 external 3.5", 4 internal 3.5", 300W quiet power supply, and
> built like a brick shithouse (it weighs 37 pounds) according to all the
> reviews.  And, the most important part.... IT'S NOT BEIGE!  GamePC review
> has a good review of it here:
> I found it for $81 on some yahoo store, but shipping was like $30.
> has UPS ground for $6.95 no matter how much you buy, so I
> ordered one for me and one for a friend and only got charged $6.95 for
> shipping.  UPS charges around $25 to ship each one.
> Jay
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   "It's pretty hard to stop a man who eats his toast every morning."