Me a-gain,

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 10:23:53 -0500 (CDT)
jethro at wrote:
> It is interesting. Writing a daemon to do that should be easy, if you
know how 
> to access the card... heck, have a shellscript dump /dev/whatever into
> I like the idea of analog gauges showing RAM/swap/CPU status (: 
> rings up another question: where do you find really cool gauges...

Take a look at the equipment I *used* to help design & manufacture and
leave that little issue to me :)

Only issue, those round gauges bought new are big bucks... around $75.00
each. The cool part, is that they are the EXACT same part that the
manufacturers made in the 1920's. I made sure of that. We'll need to try
and get a lot off of the surplus market, or pull from used gear to suit
the individual application. One good source is Fair Radio Spares catalog.
Also, locally there are Ax-Man and Dexis... but it would be hard to get a
useful quantity of matched parts from either.

I'm actually quite psyched about this, who wants to jump in on it?

Heh, I could even write a little firmware for a Microchip PIC uC and build
a serial (USB?) version. The new PICs have on-chip 8/12bit DACs. Shiver.

-.those who are talking don't know, and those who know aren't talking.-

           -.frogtown.-     -.minnesota.-      -.u.s.a.-