Reading over this web page I guess some things to try might be these directives in smb.conf for Samba 2.0.8 and earlier:

sync always = yes

With version Samba 2.2.0 you will have to use this directive in conjunction with the previous one or it is useless:

strict sync = yes

This should slow things down (how much? don't know) but might solve the problem you are experiencing. If you are using Samba 2.2.0 anyway, and using the latest Linux kernel (version 2.4) with opportunistic locking enabled, you will get kernel oplocks:

kernel oplocks = yes

by default, and that (if I am understanding correctly) should solve the problem much better.

I suggest using directives you are not familiar with on test shares to start, and good luck,


>>> jethro at 04/22/01 01:47AM >>>

Ok, what the HELL.

Sometimes, when my wife's accessing a cgi script through samba to edit it,
you can't run it anymore. Trying to run it results in a "Text file busy"

Even when she quits the editor (verified with xemacs/win32 and homesite),
the cgi can STILL not be run. The only way I found to fix it is rename the
CGI and copy it over ot it's old name.




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