On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Jacqueline Urick wrote:

> The new system is really irritating because it keeps popping up this
> box asking if you are still there.

Yeah, a catalog is a dangerous thing.  We'd better put a dead-man switch
on it so no one gets hurt.  <:P

> Very difficult when you are trying to teach someone to use the mouse.
> "No, click the YES button". I used to teach more advanced users that
> they could check their webmail from "card catalog" machines, but,
> alas, those days are gone, or I need to move to St. Paul.

Funny, I always considered people using the card catalog machines to read
e-mail "less advanced" (on an evolutionary scale), but that's because I
only notice them when I really need to use the catalog!  Doesn't matter --
I usually look stuff up in the catalog before I leave home anyway.

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