On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 03:36:48PM -0500, Scott Lystig Fritchie wrote:
>See http://www.math.byu.edu/CompResources/cheops/cheops.htm, among
>others.  Also, http://www.beowulf-underground.org/ may mention other
>such projects.

Those crazy cats at progeny are working on linuxNOW ( NOW stands for
network of workstations Ithink ) it's a shared process space type thing
that could be run on a buttload of workstation in a lab. This way the
machines would distribute what needed to be distributed while still being
useable to end users as regular workstations. Don't know how far along
the project is or wether or not it's even viable.

Ben Lutgens		
Sistina Software Inc.	

What's the difference between root and God ?
God doesn't think that he is root. 
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