On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 12:09:51PM -0600, Ben Lutgens wrote:
> This is the purpose of LVM's snapshot ability. The problem the tell me
> is that the applications need to sync all the buffers to disk just
> before snap is taken to insure data integrity. AFAIK, no applications
> support this functionality. My question to our LVM hackers was: Does the
> VFS layer do something like this, or even kflushd? And if so, would it
> be possible to have LVM call the appropriate IOCTLs to facilitate
> telling the apps "FLUSH NOW DAMMIT WE WANNA SNAP!@!!!"

Short answer: You can't do that.

Logn answer: All the apps know is that they have to store/retrieve some
stuff from the disk. No application is constantly monitoring the system to
see if it should flush, or stop writing or whatever.

LVM has to be smarter...

> but I'm just an "Idiot Ben" and not qualified for this high-level
> thinking :-)

We can print you a license...



"If it's not broken, let's fix it till it is."

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