On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 11:43:30AM -0600, Clay Fandre (clay at fandre.com) wrote:
> You can also access it like this:
> set spoolfile=imap://username@mailserver.domain.com/INBOX
> And if you're paranoid (like me) and your server supports simap, you can have an encrypted connection:
> set spoolfile=imaps://username@mailserver.domain.com/INBOX

Really?  That format does not work for me for some reason.  I always
have to use the curly braces around the mailhost.  Perhaps it's dependent
on the version of mutt or the particular imap server?  When I try the format
you listed above, I get  Error: no such directory

Amy Tanner
amy at real-time.com