a neat ssh trick... use mindterm and place it in a web dir... its java,
and you can run it thru the browser.  And for a good kick, run lynx in
your ssh session, which is running in netscape.  <grin>

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Andy Zbikowski wrote:

> Oh, and if SSH isn't enough, webmin and Linux Conf both support web-browser
> based configuration, though I highly recomend agnist this due to the amount
> of suid root stuff it involves. If you don't take my first piece of advice,
> at least take my second:
> Enable SSL and firewall the webmin/LinuxConf ports, allowing access only
> from static hosts. (Or if you want to have more fun, allow access only from
> localhost and use ssh portforwarding to get to it.)
> Oh, and screen is rather helpful in ssh sessions as well.
> --
> Andy Zbikowski, Sys Admin   | (WEB) http://www.ltiflex.com
> LTI Flexible Products, Inc. | (PH)  763-428-9119 (EX) 132
> 21801 Industrial Blvd       | (FX)  763-428-9126
> Rogers, MN  55374           | (PCS) 612-306-6055

||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
duncan shannon            .-.
duncan at sodatrain.com      /v\
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                         ^^-^^   >Phear the Penguin<