On Fri, 1 Jun 2001 11:34:34 -0500 (CDT)
"Phil Mendelsohn" <mend0070 at tc.umn.edu> wrote:

> Thanks; I have the 678 so I don't have the same hands on with the
> 675.  With the 678 you can change CAP/DMT via software, but I thought
> there was a different CBOS for each, due to something I saw on Qworst's
> site.  I won't labor under that misconception anymore.

AFAIK, the CBOS issue with CAP/DMT is that you need to have CBOS later
than a certain rev. to support the DMT firmware.. I do not believe that
there are different versions for CAP/DMT. IF this is wrong, I would surely
like to be told! And yes, the 678 can be changed from CAP to DMT and
vice-versa through a tftp firmware change. Qwest is unaware of this, as
they send yo a new modem if you get one with the wrong firmware. Surprise,

-.those who are talking don't know, and those who know aren't talking.-

           -.frogtown.-     -.minnesota.-      -.u.s.a.-