On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Seth Bernsen wrote:

> mike hicks wrote:
> Before you su run "xhost +".  If you've already su'ed, you can run xhost
> + in another window and it should also work.  Then make sure your
> DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly, for csh:
> setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

Do something like this, but DO NOT use xhost +. Instead, use 'xhost
+local:' to allow non-TCP local X connections. Do that, and then you can
just do an 'export DISPLAY=:0' (for bourne shells).

Or do like zibby says and use sudo. Sudo is your friend.

Pacem in Terris / Mir / Shanti / Salaam / Heiwa
Kevin R. Bullock