I sent this feedback on it a couple days ago: Dear NWFusion People, I found this article shallow. Although it may be easy and popular to equate Open Source Software and communism (whether the 'c' is small or large, it is "un-american"), it does overlook that fact that communism (as is capitalism for that matter) is an approach used to distribute scarce goods and resources. Software in the age of the Internet is not a scarce resource and I don't think the description is an apt one regardless. It is hard to discern if Mr. Kearns is just being indulgent in his over the top generalization of what Open Source licensing means to a copyright holder, or if he doesn't understand it. In the end, it seems that he doesn't see that the generations that follow ours will be much more sophisticated than we with regard to computers in general, and to software in particular. When we are older, perhaps Mr. Kearns will write an article on how "We Now Live In A Geeks-Only World". Or perhaps just "Geeks-Mostly". Regards, Troy Johnson