I have been trying to get an ISA modem to work under both Linux (Progeny) and Win98. It's an AOpen FM56-ITU/2 modem, and all that I have heard about it tells me that it works great under Linux. However, I can't seem to get it to work in either Linux or Win98. Linux detects the serial port (ttyS3), but when I do a pnpdump, it doesn't find the board. I ln -s /dev/ttyS3 /dev/modem, but when I use kppp, it says the modem isn't responding. Win98 doesn't detect it, period, and when I do a brute-force install, the modem diagnostic comes back saying that the modem isn't responding. Oh, yes, and the motherboard is a Soyo K7VTA-PRO. Does anyone have this modem? What jumper settings do you recommend? (I've been playing around with them, trying different COM ports and IRQs. Help, before I tear my hair out! :Peter