Sorry you're getting this twice Peter, I meant to send it to the list not to you. :) > So I stayed up till midnight last night, That's early! C'mon, 6am next time! :P > On-board AC'97 audio, works fine in Win98, Linux doesn't recognize it. Sure it does, just not automatically. The trick is, what is your motherboard's chipset? Intel i810/i820/i830/i840/MX440 ALi MAGik VIA KX133, VIA KT133, VIA KT133A, VIA KT266, VIA KM133 AMD-750 und AMD-760 mit VIA686A bzw. VIA686B Southbridges The Intel chipsets will get you chipmunk sound if you just install the modules. You have to specify a different clock chip setting. (Or soemthing like that...) The Via chipset works, more or less. Haven't dealt with ALi or AMD. The last time I tried the Intel AC'97, it sucked. 2.2.18 kernel drivers sucked, Alsa drivers sucked, it just sucked. I gave up and grabed a es1371. The Via support was better, but not too much. Unlike the Intel drivers, I could play mp3s. But Loki games were a no go. I got the best rusults with the alsa drivers. Ok, this is from memory so I might just be wrong: for the i8XX chipsets you need to: modprobe i810_audio For Via: modprobe via82cxxx_audio If your running Debian you can `echo "via82cxxx_audio" >> /etc/modules` or `echo "i810_audio" >> /etc/modules` and you're sound modules will be installed when you reboot your computer. You can also do the modutils route, if you can find the modutils line for your module in it's documentation. If you choose the Also route, see The Alsa setup is pretty slick, so if you read up on it you should be ok. Based on my experiences with this sound card, both with the kernel and Also drivers, I highly recomend you go out and get yourself a new soundcard. Ensoniq es1371 are great low price cards if you can still find one. They've been replaced by SoundBlaster PCI64, PCI128, and PCI512 now however. Overall, there's no better sound card value than the SB Live! X-Gamer 5.1. You get the standard SBLive, Duex Ex, MDK2, UT... So what you get for $99 is well worth it. (You can play UT under Linux.) The SB Live! Value is only sold to OEM's now, but I've seen it for sale at Tran Micro. Remember that the only difference between the SB Live! cards is the software bundles, but don't settle for a 5.0 card. Make sure you get a 5.1 series. Andrew S. Zbikowski | Home: 763.591.0977 | PCS: 612.306.6055 They must not get baseball sized hail in Redmond. If they did they would have realized HailStorm is a bad name for their new services.