On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Jason Hataye wrote:

> Here's what I want to DO:
> 128 MB RAM
> One 3 gig hard drive (in second IDE slot)
> One 30 gig hard drive (in first IDE slot)
> Red Hat Linux 7.1, give the partition about 2/3 of my HD space
> Windoze 98, give the partition about 1/3 of my HD space
> Use LILO to boot

Anyway, you had a REAL question in there :-)

What *I* would do is grab yourself a copy of a Windoze boot disk with
fdisk on it and a copy of Tom's root boot.  Make the drive changes and
change all the info in the BIOS as you had described.  Boot with the 'doze
floppy, fdisk the drive.  Make yourself a 10 GB FAT32 partition and set it
active.  Reboot the machine with Tom's root boot and 'dd if=/dev/hdb1
of=/dev/hda1' to move your existing Windoze partition (I'm assuming you
want to keep Windoze running as is) to your new drive.  Reboot once again
using the Windoze boot disk and do a 'sys c:' to make it bootable.  Then,
boot to the hard disk and make sure Windoze starts.  Once you know Windoze
has been copied correctly, pop in the RH7.1 disc and do the install,
carving up the other 20 gigs as you like.  Make no changes to the 3
gig.  Once you have your system booting OK and all your imporatnt stuff
moved off the 3 GB onto your new drive, wipe the 3 gig, partition it to
your liking, and mount it somewhere nice.

The ONLY question I have is whether or not dd will just accept the new
partition or whether it will resize to the old one.  You may have to use
'cat /dev/hdb1 > /dev/hda1' instead.  Anyone have an idea?

Anyway, I'm doing something similar when I upgrade and that's how I was
planning to do it.
