On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, James Spinti wrote:

> This link might help you feel better:
> http://public.wsj.com/news/hmc/sb992819157437237260.htm


That is pretty interesting.  Microsoft, despite their claims, is using
GPL'd software.  I don't remember seeing the press release from Microsoft 
but I saw on Netcraft some time ago that the migration from FreeBSD to
IIS was complete.  However, Netcraft has also proven in the past that
Microsoft has been messing with their apache headers.  There was a story
on /. about a machine that was running IIS 4.0 on linux  According to
Netcraft, the server was running Apache but the headers had been
changed.  Might be the same type of deal here.

Anyway, it's all interesting stuff.  I still like the line in the June 1
article about how "Goverment should only be funding projects that are
available to everyone" in the Mundie's response to government funding of
GPL projects.  Either Mundie doesn't understand the GPL (not likely) or he
wants to make sure that YOU don't understand the GPL (oh, probably).
