On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Troy.A Johnson wrote:

> Boot Tom's and do something like:
> mkdir /temp
> mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /temp
> cat /dev/zero > /temp/tempfile
> ***Error message*** cat: output error, no space left on device.
> rm /temp/tempfile
> umount /temp
> dd /dev/hda1 - | gzip - | ncat ip.address.of.server
> or something similar. 

Now THAT'S a neat trick!

another question.  I'm all for gzip'ing my dd image but in
gunzip'ing... if I have a compressed image on a CD and I 
dd - /dev/hda |gunzip imagefile does it need temp space to unzip? or is
stdin pure magic and I don't have to worry about it?
