>>>>> "Z" == Zibby  <Andy> writes:

    Z> "Thomas T. Veldhouse" wrote:
    >>  RPM --- gotta love it :)

    Z> In this case it's not so much as the RPM format, it's the
    Z> packagers. The KDE folks were never very good a following
    Z> guidelines for packages. I tried the official KDE debs from
    Z> kde.org. They liked to break. Then I found the debs on
    Z> kde.tydc.com. Mmmm...much better.

    Z> If you can't find RPMs blessed by Red Hat, you're most likely
    Z> going to be stuck doing it the hard way. (Removing the old
    Z> before installing the new.)

Actually, I'm pretty sure this is not KDE's fault.  Their web site has
the following disclaimer:

"Some distributors choose to provide binary packages of KDE for certain
versions of their distribution. Some of these binary packages for KDE
2.1 will be available for free download under
http://ftp.kde.org/stable/2.1/distribution/ or under the equivalent
directory at one of the many KDE ftp server mirrors. Please note that
the KDE team is not responsible for these packages as they are
provided by third parties -- typically, but not always, the
distributor of the relevant distribution."

Seems like what I *really* should do is give up on the RPMs and
compile the blasted things myself.  

    Z> Shamless Debian plug: apt-get install task-kde

tempting, but then I'd have to figure out a new way to configure boot
and services.  I'm already spending far more time maintaining my boxen
than using them.... :-0

Cheers all,