Ok, i have been working on this for the past, umm 6
hours... and i think i finally know what the problem
is... but now how to fix it, so i will have to confer
with a higher power: you guys

backround: small lab in the basement for the fellew
tenants running Windoze 98SE, wanting to use a linux
server for basic file'n'print sharing... eventually it
will also be a web server and other stuff for the
afore mentioned fellow tenants...

problem: whenever more than "one" person uses samba
(as in browses the server, not logging in) the server
crashes: attached is the output of "smbstatus" 

does anybody know why this happens? isnt there a
better way to connect windows machines to a *nix
server? does anybody know of a "Client for unix

ok i am asking a few questions too many here, but it
is 4 am and i should be asleep, but this damnable
daemon keeps cpapping out on me... hmm lets see if
this mars_nwe is any good....


Version: 3.12
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