> idea. Before putting ssh in, I used to run ftp on
> the password file to various
> machines that I wanted to update. User home dirs
> were all the same for those
> machines, but ~root was individual, as was all the
> os files, including passwd.
> Scp could be used to distribute the file as well as
> doing pwconv, thus
> hopefully keeping ipspoofing (nfs or whatever) out
> of the equation.

yes but i dont want to copy the passwd and shadow file
everytime i add a new user, 

> Apologies if I don't understand what you're really
> trying to do.

nope, you hit it right on...

here is the <music please> master plan:
i would have a simbolic link of the "passwd" and the
"shadow" file in the /home directory, i would then
export the home directory and have it exported and
mounted as /home on the workstations, on the
workstation /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow would link to
the links in the home directory, that way i only have
to update passwd once and people get to see their
stuff on any machine without have to "login" to a
server AND be able to use these machines resources
like floppy/cdrom/sound card etc

now you mentioned ipspoofin as a security risk, can i
block against it? and what other concerns can you


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