What disks are you using?  Also, if it's that new of a system I'd think it could boot off of the cdrom.  When I loaded my Thinkpad (P2-266
i1720/390 series) it booted fine off of the cd.  It sounds to me like you're using the wrong disks.


Munir Nassar wrote:

> go a question about installing slackware on a laptop,
> i try to install using the boot/root floppies, and at
> some point, be it at the login prompt or while i am
> doing fdisk or even bofore i put in the root disk it
> just locks up... and two minutes later the computer
> shuts down...
> is there a reason for this? am i missing something?
> anyways some info on the laptop:
> its a CompUSA PII 300 with 64 Megs of ram and a 6.4 Gb
> a Matshita CDrom, and all the other laptop stuff
>  -munir