On a related subject, I have been trying to set up a box that i can ssh
to, that will then allow me to connect over serial to a boot console on
several different machines. 

I have a RocketPort PCI card from comtrol, and a dumb black box that
connects to this card, and has 16 rj-45 ports on it.  I use that, and
rj-45 to db-9 converters attatched to the serial port on box1, box2, box3,
... box16 (all redhat6.2 and 7.0).  

My objective is clear, my method is not clear (to me)

I need to be able to ssh to this PC with 16port black box that attatches
to RocketPort and use minicom (or something similar) and get a conolse
connection to the other boxes when something flakes out.  Buffering of the
screen is nice too.  

A while back, i got it setup so i could echo back and forth from one box
to the other, and then i was able to direct the login prompt at the
console over serail (at the price of not having the console be my
monitor) but I wouldnt take anyting for input.  

Any ideas?

I believe that this shouldnt be difficlut, nor everly complex.  We are
trying to implement this over a 5-10K box from clearview or someone like

I have read the HOW-TO from LDP, and searched around for quite a bit on
google and deja (at least when deja was deja and not google)

I have tried adding lines such as these to my inittab: (only one at a time
fo course)

7:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS0 -r 9600

S0:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS0 DT9600 vt100

S1:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS1 DT9600 vt100

7:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -r ttyS0

The device ships with some diagnostice to test the install, and that

I have even had to build cables with different pinouts to get it to work
for our cisco devices.

I think the core of my problem lays at the linux level, not the device.  I
dont feel like i have the system set up to do console over serial port...

thanks again.


On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Tom Hudak wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 01:01:52PM -0600, Dave Sherman wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >
> >I know there is a way to set up a serial-port terminal connection to 
> >another device (Cisco router in this case), just like Hyperterm for 
> >Windows. Unfortunately, I am having trouble finding instructions on how 
> >to do it. Can someone here point me in the right direction?
> Console over serial, make sure you have either a straight through or x-over
> serial cable (tx,rx,gnd are all the pin's needed unless you want
> flow-control/CD stuff...), and kermit and you should be all good.
> Thanks,

||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
duncan shannon            .-.
duncan at sodatrain.com      /v\
                         // \\
                        /(   )\   L   I   N   U   X
                         ^^-^^   >Phear the Penguin<