On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Forrest Dickinson wrote:

> I am running RedHat 7 and SendMail 8.11 and I am wondering if there is a 
> way for SendMail to archive all outgoing mail. I am open to the possibility 
> of all outgoing mail being CC to a separate account.

 I was presented with this problem some time back.  My employers wanted
all mail, incoming and outgoing, recorded.  The incoming was done fairly
easily with procmail, but there isn't anything native to procmail or
sendmail that can handle outgoing.  There is, however, a patch to sendmail
that can log all mail -- incoming, outgoing, probably even relayed (scary
thought, I know).  It can be found at:


 The documentation (as much as it is) is in a huge comment in the file.  I
haven't looked at it since I implemented it, but perhaps it could be
adapted to only log outgoing mail.
 Hope that helps.
