I have a Tyan Thunder 2 dual pII 300 mobo as my main linux server (runnnig redhat 7). I also have a Tyan dual mobo (cant remember model) that is the 72pin equivalent of the Thunder 2 (which is SDRAM). It also has red hat 7 installed and only 1 cpu out of 2 possible installed. On the second one mentioned (1 cpu, 72pin simms) the scsi card is IRQ 18 and the nic is IRQ 19. On the first mobo mentioned all my devices are under IRQ 16 (the normal irq's). I cant figure out why Im getting these high IRQ's on the older mobo. My rh7 installs were "custom setup" with everything installed (ie. i havnt monkeyed with the OS). Anyone know how the high IRQ's work, how to enable them, take advantage of them, etc?