You may have seen this on Slashdot the other day. Very cool, it tracks where you look on the monitor by way of a shiny dot you stick to your forehead (yes, you probably look stupid wearing it :), and it's only $99. Currently, there are no Linux drivers, but I sent them an email asking about it, and here's what I got: > Thanks a ton for your interest in the trackIR. We are trying to put > together a team of programers who want to develop a Linux > driver right > now. Because the unit just went on sale we haven't got > anything organized > as of yet. A friend of the company is taking on the Linux > driver but help > is always appreciated. Let me know if you would be > interested. Otherwise, > check back in a couple months and we should have something posted. > > We do have examples of the Cypress USB driver for Linux and > have released > the HEX file that gets programmed into the chip. From there > we offer C++ > example code for making objects and tracking them. There > isn't a pretty > app to make the cursor move, but that isn't too hard to do. We are > committed to supporting this development effort in any way, > so if you need > more code or to talk to one of our guys it wouldn't be a problem. Since I'm no USB wiz, and since I don't have time to do this, I probably won't be able to help them. But just in case someone here has some itchy fingers to develop some drivers, I thought I would post it in case you wanted to help out. You can reach them at sales at Jay