On Fri, 11 May 2001, Ben Kochie wrote:
> is it just me, or is the sid/main/binary-i386 tree _empty_??  and i386 in
> woody is close to empty?

  Here's what I see in sid/main/binary-i386/ at ftp.debian.org:

  -rw-rw-r--   1 debian   debian    4862788 May 11 19:25 Packages
  -rw-rw-r--   1 debian   debian    1347315 May 11 19:25 Packages.gz
  -rw-rw-r--   1 debian   debian         82 May 11 19:34 Release

  Looks pretty empty to me!

  I dunno; as long as apt-get works for me, I figure the Debian folks can
do whatever they want to their ftp server...

  Incidentally, what *is* sid? I know potato is the current stable
version, and woody is the next version...do I have this diagram right?

	potato <-> stable
	woody  <-> testing
	sid    <-> unstable

  I'm still a bit confused about the Debian naming convenctions; it was
only a couple months ago that I Saw The Light and switched from Redhat. :)


Dan Drake <drake at lemongecko.org>
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