I just posted the following to debian-users - there's some new data at
the end:

I'm Apache 1.3 on potato.

I can't get name-based virtual hosting to work.

I just browsed the archive - I've got the NameVirtualHost IP-address
in place. I've had the local Linux User Group mailing list look at my
config - they've had a number of thoughts, none of which have panned

Every time I go to my default domain - fireopal.org - I get the
fireopal.org index.html. Every time I go to the other domain -
ytilaer.com - I get the fireopal.org index.html.

Here's the Virtual Host section of my httpd.conf:

:ServerName fireopal.org
:ServerAlias fireopal.org *.fireopal.org
:ServerAdmin webmaster at fireopal.org
:UserDir public_html
:DocumentRoot /var/www_test/host.fireopal.org
:ErrorLog /var/log/apache/error.log
:ServerName ytilaer.com
:ServerAlias ytilaer.com *.ytilaer.com
:ServerAdmin webmaster at fireopal.org
:UserDir disabled
:DocumentRoot /var/www_test/host.ytilaer.com
:ErrorLog /var/log/apache/host.ytilaer.com-error.log
:TransferLog /var/log/apache/host.ytilaer.com-access.log

I discovered something interesting on my last attempt to get this
working - no matter what I do, apache is still serving up /var/www. I
discovered this when I moved everything out of /var/www into
/var/www/host.fireopal.org - all my pages disappeared. So, I recreated
/var/www, and created /var/www_test/host.fireopal.org and
/var/www_test/host.ytilaer.com. I then re-wrote the index.html files
in www_test, so I could identify which one I'm getting.

I'm always getting the one in /var/www.

I don't have any "DocumentRoot /var/www" in my httpd.conf at all!

Any hints?

Scott Raun
sraun at fireopal.org