Al Borchers <alborchers at> wrote:
> Now I just need to take the time to really get Cygwin configured--anyone
> know how to set up /etc/hosts on Cygwin?  It does not seem to read it.
> Do I need to use some Windows mechanism to map hostnames to IP
> addresses?  I'll have to read the docs...

Try C:\Windows\hosts or C:\Windows\hosts.txt, or a similarly named file
somewhere within the C:\Windows hierarchy.  The Windows TCP stack is
descended from BSD, if I remember right, so a lot of stuff is laying
around in there somewhere (OS/2 went so far as to reproduce Unix man pages
in their help system, but I digress..)

 _  _  _  _ _  ___    _ _  _  ___ _ _  __   If you're not the 
/ \/ \(_)| ' // ._\  / - \(_)/ ./| ' /(__   solution, you're the  
\_||_/|_||_|_\\___/  \_-_/|_|\__\|_|_\ __)  precipitate. 
[ Mike Hicks | | mailto:hick0088 at ]