Here is a chance to get your own SGI Indy.

I have an extra Indy, all it needs is an OS put on it.  The reason it
doesn't have an OS on it yet is that my SGI cdrom bit the dust.  Well I
don't want to mess with it any more, my frat brothers are sick of the
mess in our library, and I already have a nice one that I don't really
use much. So here is the deal.

1 SGI indy (with cool indigo colored case>
	MIPS RISK 5000 processor at 150 mhz 
	3 gig hard disk (1 2 gig IBM and 1 1 gig seagate)
	24 bit video card upgrade (video in and out!, ooooh aaaah!) 
	96 megs of memory ( I may have more. Let me dig around)
17 inch SGI trinitron monitor (very nice, I have a bunch of these, too
bad they can't be used on pc's)
Indy Cam! (nudge, nudge, say no more)
Microphone (testies, testies, 1 2 3, huh huh huh)
External magnito optical drive (680 meg disks now your stylin!)
7 magneto optical disks (resiliant suckers!  Once I dropped one of these
nearly two stories down a stairwell with no loss of data.)
Keyboard and Mouse

I priced out a similar machines with no monitor and no magneto
optical, but a bit more hd at 480 to 700.  I think a fair asking price
would be 550, but other reasonable offers will be entertained.

In addition I have my old celeron 333a system back from my brother, daddy
bought him a new 900mhz.  I don't have a 900 mhz machine. :(

Celeron 333a ( may be overclockable never had the guts to try myself)
Asus motherboard, (will have to find the serial ports though)
Matrox g200 8 meg agp
vodoo II ( two of em if my freind will sell his too)
96 megs of ram
Soundblaster 16 ( I have a soundblaster Live for extra)
Network card (a 3com isa)
14 inch monitor 
Mouse and keyboard
Nice full tower case
12x cdrom  (it is creative with a remote control)

I would like 200 not counting the live and extra vodoo.

Colin Kilbane