HOEFFNER at dcmir.med.umn.edu wrote:
> Is this easily fixed? Not being much of a pc type, I'm really not sure
> how to go about it. Bios has none of this, just IRQ5 as reserved for
> legacy reasons, so it must've been set during the install.

One thing that I truly despise about brand-name PCs is that their BIOS
configuration systems are pieces of junk.  Of course, you might try
looking for a new BIOS for that system..

I have no idea why IRQ5 would be reserved -- that's where my old SB16 sat
for many years (SoundBlaster actually moved from IRQ7 to IRQ5 because
parallel ports started using IRQ7).

If you can disable the IRQ on your display adapter, that might be good
(unless you're going to be running things that require it like OpenGL over
DRI).  Try disabling the USB, unless you need it.  If you aren't using the
serial ports, disable them, as you get two more interrupts there (IRQ3,

In addition, you may need to compile your own kernel with some sort of IRQ
sharing enabled.  I think the kernel can share IRQs anyway, but I think
there's some extra code laying around somewhere that can help it work

 _  _  _  _ _  ___    _ _  _  ___ _ _  __   If it walks out of your 
/ \/ \(_)| ' // ._\  / - \(_)/ ./| ' /(__   refrigerator, LET IT GO!! 
\_||_/|_||_|_\\___/  \_-_/|_|\__\|_|_\ __)                             
[ Mike Hicks | http://umn.edu/~hick0088/ | mailto:hick0088 at tc.umn.edu ]