Bob Tanner wrote:
> I got a G3 running YDL and I would like to upgrade glibc (this problem is not
> specific to YDL).
> Anyway, I got glibc-2.2.3 and I tried to update and there are lots of
> dependencies that fail. There are many other packages that depend on the old
> glibc-2.1, ok, irritating, but I understand.
> On of these packages is pam, so I go get the latest pam, BUT it depends on
> rpm 4.0 to be installed. Another irritation. :-)
> Grabbed rpm 4.0, it depends on glibc-2.2.3! ARRGH! Circular dependencies.
> Is my only choice to compile everything by hand?

Grab the RPM 4.0 tarball, build it using your existing RPM using rpm -tb
rpm-4.0-whatever.tar.gz, then install it, you'll then have RPM 4 built
against whatever libraries are currently installed.

Now upgrading glibc manually on an RPM system, thats deep voodoo as far
as I'm concerned...